Dental emergencies involve injuries to your teeth, mouth, and jaw that require immediate professional attention. When you have a genuine dental emergency on your hands, you’ll know because you’ll usually be in a lot of pain, and it will alter your ability to eat, talk, sleep, or complete your daily routine.
Recognizing a dental emergency is crucial so you can get the treatment you need when you need it. At Children’s Dentistry of Northborough, we provide emergency dental care to all of our pediatric and adult patients, and we’re here to treat your family! As your emergency dentist in Northborough, MA, we want to help you get back to prime oral health as quickly as we can.
Examples of common dental emergencies we can treat include:
- Painful toothaches
- Overgrown cavities and dental infections
- Knocked-out teeth
- Broken jaws and broken teeth
- Chipped, cracked, and fractured teeth
- Bleeding or pus-filled teeth
- Lost or broken dental restorations
Contact Our Emergency Dentists in Northborough, MA
We understand that life is unpredictable, and a dental emergency can arise unexpectedly. Fortunately, our kid's dentists in Northborough are here to provide excellent care and repair your teeth in the event of an injury to you or your child.
For adult and pediatric dental emergencies, our team at Children’s Dentistry of Northborough is ready to help. Give us a call at (508) 393-9394!